Urban Photo Race 2024 Utrecht

May 25, 2024 – One Day of shooting in Utrecht – 70 Photographers

In this zine all the winners and at least one photo of each participant that submitted their photos.

More about these Urban Photo Race challenges can be found on the UPR Website.

We have a limited edition of 50 (only 4 left) printed zines.

You can still oder your copy for €15 (including shipping costs in the Netherlands).

Size of this zine is 210mm x 148mm (A5) with 44 pages. 

Because we are just a small non-profit initiative we don’t have a fancy checkout system.

If you would like to purchase this zine, please mail us with your name and the address to which we can send it. You can pay with Tikkie, PayPal or Bank Transfer.

Website UrbanPhotoRace.com and DutchStreetMagazine.com

Created by: Street.Zines (Jurgen Onland and Dennis Sewberath Misser)

Copyright of each photo featured belongs to the photographer

Aimée Collomb
Albert Korf
Anna Linmans
Annemarie Terhell
Annette Collomb
Arend Kwant
Bea Drupstaan
Daniel Portier
Dimitrii Kostianoi
Edwin Kommerkamp
Esther Gerritsen
Esther Siboni-Douwenga
Fernando Coelho
Fiola Broers
Gabrielle Panarelli
George Siero
Gerald Peterson
Gert Jan Bollen
Gwen van Mossevelde
Hans de Heer
Hans van Leeuwen
Helder Ferreira
Ide Ruijter
Ilse Renema
Ineke Peterson
Jacob van Hoek
Jana van ‘t Land
John Graham
Jolanda Goossens
Jos van den Berg
Juliën Krauweel
Justin Werkman
Kay Wilkinson
Kenny Douwenga
Kim van Zwieten
Laura Sijthoff
Levi Numann
Marc Braspenning
Marco Bollaart
Marieke Zentjens
Marijn Schulte
Mark Numann
Maya Splithooren
Meike Schreurs
Meltem Muslu
Miranda van Triest
Niels van de Laar
Oscar Baltodano
Pat Ronopawiro
Peter Willemse
Petra Opperman
Rein Wieringa
Rico Andriesse
Rini Braber
Rob Oostveen
Robin van der Hijden
Roger Janssen
Rutger van Loo
Samira Mamsouri
Sarah Alzalab
Sean Ryan
Sjon Veldhuis
Stef Huizer
Thijs Tegelaar
Tineke Kwant
Togrul Hassanbayli
Willeke Kieft
Yolande Querens